Drink Up: Have You Had Your 64oz. Today?

If there’s one thing that we all know to be true when it comes to wellness, it is inarguably that we should be drinking water. Staying hydrated is number one on everyone’s list — doctors, nutritionists, and mothers alike. The benefits are endless, but for some of us, getting in the good stuff is a lot easier said than done. We understand that life gets busy and the distractions are a plenty, but if you do one thing in the name of self-care every single day, make it water. Your body and your brain will thank you for years to come. Here are a handful of ways that some of us here at Bleu stay motivated to drink up morning, noon, and night.

Set an alarm: Yep, it’s as simple as it sounds. Key in a periodical reminder throughout your day to refill your glass. Schedule your intake according to your day-to-day itinerary. Be sure to choose a dedicated ringtone that is subtle and sparks a friendly nudge. Using the same loud buzzer that wakes you each morning will only cause you to stop setting it.

The meal method: An easy way to remember to get your hydration on is to make it a habit to consume at least 20oz. with breakfast, 20oz. at lunch, and another 20oz. come dinnertime. Extra credit to those who get in a few extra ounces before bed.

There’s an app for that?: Of course there is. Smartphones, smartwatches, tablets — whichever smart device you rely on, download one of the many apps that keep track how many glasses you’re chugging. Our favorites are My Water Balance, Daily Water, and Plant Nanny.

Infuse your H2O: For some, drinking water feels like a chore because they find it boring. Battle the boredom by spiking your water bottles with a hint of flavor. Fill up a big jar the night before with filtered water and add in some fresh fruit like lemon, cucumber, melon, mango, or add a handful of mint or basil to the mix. Sparkling water is a surefire way to liven up the agua, too. With hints of flavor like coconut, pamplemousse, and ginger — your fridge, like ours, will be stocked with La Croix in no time.

Make your water bottle your best friend: Invest is a reusable carafe and take it with you everywhere. We suggest getting one that is at least 12-16 ounces. Anything less calls for too many trips to the water cooler. Here are some good ones:

Written by: The Editors

Bleu's team of seasoned writers and editors at your service.

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