How Do You Get Out Of A Funk?

Anyone who says that they’ve never been in a funk / slump / black hole of emotion or whatever you want to call it is quite frankly a liar. We would put those very people in the same category as one of the overly obsessive or militant pageant moms from Toddlers & Tiaras or people who don’t agree that Timothée Chalamet is most definitely the next Leonardo DiCaprio. Okay, maybe we’ve gone a step too far with that one. We can hash out the Timmy-Leo debate another day. But, the fact of the matter is that everyone, and we mean everyone, experiences the ups and downs of this little thing called life. That’s precisely why it’s called “life”.

Just the other day, I was complaining to my partner about how disgusting I felt. It seems melodramatic, but true. And, don’t get me wrong. I bathed, I ate decently well (although I did indulge with several pieces of Halloween candy, but that’s nothing to mope around about), and from the viewer’s lens, it would appear that my day went, well, pretty decently. Nonetheless, I could not shake this overwhelming, gloom-and-doom feeling of simply not feeling myself. That’s the thing about a funk though, isn’t it? The gnarly awareness comes in waves, often abrupt, never looks the same as it did the last time it visited, and no matter how hard you try, it’s there. Prevalent and real, taking its toll on the mind, body, and spirit in whichever way it’s inconveniently predisposed to do so. But, enough about funks. Although we can’t speak to what yours looks like and how it’s affected you, we know you know them, too. They are, for lack of a better term, pretty funky.

Because we’re solution-oriented and consider ourselves optimists most days of the week, we want to skip ahead to the part of resolve. The part of the story where you tell us how you remedy these sometimes nasty fits and spells because as sure as we know a funk, we recognize that it’s part of a cycle. Soon enough, the light returns and we find things to smile about again. For me, I realized that I’m pretty much the complete opposite of disgusting. I’m compassionate and a great listener, and most days, I can put together a smoky-eye makeup look like nobody’s business. I reemerged from that pesky little shadow, a bit more aware of my sense of self and with a keener pulse on my emotions. I’m better for it. I know I’m not alone in this struggle either, so I’m opening the floor out of genuine curiosity and with the intention of this thread helping someone who may be experiencing the very type of situation we speak of as you read this. So, tell us how do you do it? How do you overcome a funk? Spare no detail. We’re all ears.

Written by: Tiana Gidley

Tiana Gidley is a 20-something Contributing Editor at The Bleu. She binge-watches reality TV on Bravo, throws a mean murder mystery party, and makes her bed every morning.


  1. Allie

    November 4, 2019 at 3:29 pm

    I spend some time alone, to process thoughts in peace. I cook myself something really delicious to eat, try to listen to music that makes me feel good, and distract myself as much as I can (watch a good show, read a good book, do a little online shopping) until, fingers crossed, it passes. Or at least until something good happens – which I push myself to appreciate – and things start to fit back into place a little bit more each day.

  2. Abby

    November 5, 2019 at 12:18 pm

    Journaling. Baking something yummy that reminds me of home. Going for a run. Anything that revolves around self care typically does the trick for me. Sometimes it’s as simple as recollecting my thoughts and decompressing after a long day by myself with a cup of tea and a favorite record. I think we all need to remember that giving ourselves the equal amount of attention and love we give to everything and everyone in our lives is so important. Often times when I feel off, it’s because I’m not in tune or centered with myself, and that is usually because I haven’t taken time for myself. Trying to create space to slow down and have “me time” has been revolutionary for my self growth, appreciation, and discovery.

  3. B

    November 8, 2019 at 10:02 am

    Funks are so much harder to manage when you’re also in a relationship. Not only do I feel like I’m walking uphill just to regain an ounce of my own happiness, but being in a marriage tethers a 40 lb sleigh to my back. Sure, sometimes a partner can alleviate the struggle, but not all the time. A priority for me is to recognize this is just part of a cycle, secondly I turn inwards to examine myself, and lastly it’s a margarita on the rocks with salt…BUT STILL. Ugh. Going to read your article on retrograde now so I understand the cop out!

  4. Meliah

    November 21, 2019 at 6:15 am

    When I am in a FUNK, I start listing things that I am grateful for. On really bad days, it may start with “Eyes that can see”, but once I start being thankful, I move out of the funk/bad mood/whatever. Also, once you start listing the small things, you realize that you have lots of the thankful/grateful for.

    • Jermaine

      January 2, 2020 at 10:39 pm

      Am in a funk right now. I’ll try this thankful list. Thank you.


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