Do Selfies Have An Age Limit?

In a world filled with countless social media applications and oversharing, we’re wondering your thoughts on the ever popular practice of selfie-taking. Are there rules to this thing? Is there a fine line between snapping for self-love and posting photos in the name of narcissism? Is there something called selfie etiquette? And if there is, just who is the one calling the shots in selfie’s name? One thing is for certain, the act of self-portrait sharing has certainly become a part of mainstream society; so much so that it’s a legitimate noun according to Merriam-Webster.

We want to know: Do you love them? Do you hate them? Do you post them yourself? Are selfies okay at any age? Or are they more reserved for the teens and twenty-somethings? Does posting a selfie fall under the empowering category? Or are they made in vain? Does posting a selfie give the rest of the Internet free rein on casting judgement? We want to hear it all. Chime in below!

Written by: The Editors

Bleu's team of seasoned writers and editors at your service.


  1. remedios

    April 1, 2019 at 11:56 am

    oh selfies…!everyone loves good ones of themselves! my opinion is there are no age restrictions or rules on selfies. i mean if you take one and you publish it on a social platform you have to be ready for compliments or some backlash. most of the time i post selfies with confidence and yes, it is in some way empowering

    • Marisa

      April 1, 2019 at 12:50 pm

      No. Take pictures of your self because you want to.

  2. Marjorie

    April 1, 2019 at 12:18 pm

    It’s tricky. I’m in my mid thirties and I have a love/hate relationship with selfies. It’s about 80/20. That’s 80 percent hate, 20 percent love. It’s 80 percent hate because most people appear to me narcissistic or in desperate need of attention. Also hate because I can’t take a good selfie to save my life – it’s hard not to judge a nose looking large, or forehead, or expression too weird? And this self hate comes because of the 20 percent love I have of people that post amazing selfies, inspirational photos of a make up, hair or outfit look that I save. Damn why can’t I look like those 20 percent of influencers that do it right? So who knows, not sure there is an age limit. I mean I can’t see an 80 year old granny posting selfies but if she does good for her because unlike millenials that grew up with social media, and thusly selfies, that’s pretty freaking amazing. All I’m saying is that if you’ve got amazing style and grace that translates in a selfie, go at it. Otherwise, I don’t want to see that.

  3. Tonya

    April 1, 2019 at 1:17 pm

    Gosh I don’t want to make rules for anyone. I think we should do what makes us feel good and not worry with the rest. But…even in having an opinion, it kind of feels like I’m trying to make rules for other people. I’ll just say I’m pro selfie but only wish we’d never started calling it a selfie. It took me forever to get on board with that.

  4. Rania

    April 1, 2019 at 1:26 pm

    I think selfies are ageless and can be taken by whomever.

  5. James Kicinski-McCoy

    April 1, 2019 at 1:39 pm

    I love a good selfie, but admit that my insecurities get the best of me and I rarely post them unless there’s a camera covering most of my face. Ha! Trying to work on that self-love every day.

  6. Jules

    April 1, 2019 at 1:44 pm

    As a (proud) millennial, I don’t think selfies have an age limit at all. I think we should embrace more self love as a culture and exhibit that through selfies! I’d love to see selfies from older woman as well as younger woman. Plus, I’d hate to think there’s a time limit on how long I can take a cute picture of myself. You know?

    • marisa

      April 2, 2019 at 7:02 pm


  7. Louisa

    April 1, 2019 at 2:45 pm

    I’m in my early 30s and I am pro-selfie! I think we are all so caught up in not appearing vain that we feel sheepish if we feel good enough about ourselves to take and post a selfie and I hate that! We should be proud of our fellow sisters when they are feeling beautiful and unashamed to feel that way! Why has society taught us that if we feel and admit to feeling beautiful, then we are narcissistic. I think that is a very damaging concept. That said, you can probably overdo selfie posting but I say, if you’re feeling it, more power to you, sister! 🙌🏼

  8. Dani

    April 1, 2019 at 3:06 pm

    Too little too late, just like everyone’s Mom is on facebook, it’s already part of our culture. Personally I love Vivian Meier’s prospective on a selfie. Most importantly I hope people are enjoying the moments they are so quick to capture. Congrats James, I’m excited to read along!

  9. Ally

    April 1, 2019 at 9:01 pm

    I’m a 20 something with an irrational fear of selfies. I don’t take them because I’m quite bad at them and would need more practice but, alas. I’m scared. I don’t like being seen, or seeing people, taking them either. It seems so intimate. Do you ever just take one? And I’m an outgoing, loves to be behind and in-front of the camera kind of 20er. I’m not even afraid of wearing my dad’s jeans in public. What gives?

  10. Naomi

    April 2, 2019 at 8:59 am

    Hmmmm… I struggle with selfies. Like Marjorie, I have a love/hate relationship with them. Mostly because of my teenage daughters. I am a 39 year old mom of a 19 and 16 year old. My 19 year old is constantly taking selfies. My 16 year could care less. My 19 year old lacks confidence and self esteem, while my 16 year old has no shortage of either. So I worry/wonder about her need of validation that can come from posting or snapping a selfie. That’s the bad. The good is I have had a lot of fun taking selfies with my daughter’s, friend’s, partner, and sometimes-by myself. So, I say do selfies regardless of your age. Just be sure you are taking taking them for the right reasons.


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