There exists a handful of individuals you encounter in a lifetime (either in person or via their online persona) where something simply clicks. It happens in a moment — and we’ve all been there — when you think to yourself, “This person’s got it.” And, while we’re still not wholly convinced we know what “it” is, this was the exact feeling, in so many words, that we experienced when we first scrolled through 20-something, Aisha Hatter’s, moody and staggeringly stylish IG feed. Late-night pizza runs, a thorough appreciation for Timothée Chalamet, statement coats — what’s not to love? If we’re the rest of the Brady Bunch, Aisha is the Marcia we’ll always aspire to be: cool, confident, and infinitely poised. We want to borrow her clothes. We want to know where she’s shopping. And, we really just want to hang with her. If your curiosity has piqued, we understand why. Don’t fret: This leading lady making quite an introduction. Today all eyes are on Aisha Hatter.
Instagram handle: @aishahatter
Location: Brooklyn, New York.
Originally from: Bangkok, Thailand, but was raised between Tampa, Florida and Hong Kong.
Occupation: Sales and Communications Manager @visualcountry by day, inquisitive person with an Instagram account by night who is passionate about beauty, style, and film.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: “I’m a 26-year-old living in Brooklyn with my dog, Sunny. Over the past five years since I moved to NYC, I’ve worked in fashion, media, and interior design. Currently, I’m working in advertising and have created my own little community through Instagram where I get a lot of creative inspiration and insight through a weekly poll series that I do called, Random Question Time.
Favorite thing about living in Brooklyn? “Being able to walk everywhere, the general vibe (which is more laid back than Manhattan), and the vintage shopping.”
You have great hair! What’s your secret to that on-point, lived-in look everyone is after? “It’s funny that you say that because I am so afraid that I’m going to end up being like one of those people who are trapped in the ‘80s with the same hairstyle because I am physically attached to my ombre and bangs, but my hair routine is pretty simple: I sleep with it wet to give it some natural waves, which I’ve heard is a no-no, but I just can’t stop, run a straightener through it to give it that lived-in feel, and spray some texturizing spray. Done in 15 minutes.”
What’s one trend you’re currently loving and hope will stay for the long-haul? “High-waisted denim. I’m truly haunted by the idea that low-rise jeans might have a resurgence one day.”
Signature look/uniform? “Classic, straight-forward, and comfortable: vintage tee, jeans, some kind of jacket, fun earrings, and black leather boots.”
Favorite designers? “I don’t currently buy a lot of designer pieces, but I splurged on a Prada wallet recently and it was worth every penny. Also, dying to own something from Saks Potts.”
Shop Aisha's Style
Favorite local shop? “Coming Soon, Home Union, or Dobbin Street Co-Op. I almost prefer shopping for home stuff rather than clothes these days. I like shopping in-store because I love touching fabrics/materials and being able to see things in real life for scale.”
Fave online shop? “Lisa Says Gah, I feel like I’m constantly learning about cool and interesting brands through them.”
Top three favorite small brands discovered on IG? “@eliou__, @coldpicnic, and they aren’t so small anymore, but I love @realisationpar for aesthetic inspiration.”

What items are on your want list? “Susan Alexandra bag and Tiny Joys necklace, Ganni dress, The Row sunglasses, By Far boots.”
Shop Aisha's Want List
Cult beauty product? “Glossier’s Milky Jelly Cleanser is my ride-or-die, or really anything from Glossier in general.”
Favorite local boozy drink of choice? “Coffee Thing from Rocka Rolla in Williamsburg. The first thing people say when they hear this is, “I don’t like coffee, so I won’t like it…” But I also don’t like coffee and I’m obsessed with it. It’s frozen, has whiskey in it, coffee grounds on top, and goes down way too easy.”
Favorite local cafe and menu item of choice. “Absolutely love Cafe Mogador’s Moroccan Benedict. It’s a delicious twist on classic eggs benedict with tomato-based sauce and the best poached eggs, but you have to get it with their orange juice.”
Go-to dinner party recipe? “This classic roast chicken with garlic and lemon recipe, easy and delicious.”
What’s always in your fridge? “La Croix, entirely basic, but true.”
Fave quick snack? “Iced matcha with almond milk if I’m being good and french fries if I’m being bad.”
Tell us about what you do! “I work at a creative production agency called Visual Country on the accounts and sales side. We specialize in stop motion and other kinds of short form video, like live action and 2D animation, and have created ads for 350+ of the world’s leading brands and agencies.”
Favorite project to date? “It’s really too hard to choose. One thing I love most about my job is that we are constantly getting to work on new projects with fresh faces across all kinds of verticals that I’m already passionate about such as beauty, fashion, and food, but that we also have such loyal clients who come back again and again for more.”
Current artist whose album you can’t stop streaming? “Billie Eilish, I’m absolutely obsessed with her lately. About a year ago, my ex tried to get me to see her play a very small acoustic set at the Apple store in Williamsburg of all places and I just couldn’t be bothered, so I’m kicking myself now that she’s completely blown up.”
Favorite Netflix series? “Lately I’m obsessed with Pen15 but it’s on Hulu not Netflix — I’ve honestly seen it like five times now. I could try to describe it to you, but just watch it. You won’t regret it.”
Shop Aisha's Current Favorites
Currently reading? “I’m always reading articles on The Cut, Man Repeller, and Refinery29. The other day I read an article by Joan Juliet Buck called ‘Advice to My 26-Year-Old Self‘ and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.”
What’s your sign? “Leo through and through, and Taurus rising, Aquarius moon, which I’ve been told is equally as important to know.”
What’s your philosophy when it comes to self-love? “It doesn’t equate to narcissism like some people assumes it does. It’s the ultimate cliché, but if you don’t love and take care of yourself, you can’t possibly be in the right headspace to love and be loved by others.”
What’s a recent movement (political, economic, social) that you think everyone should be supporting and why? “Sustainability is something I am making an effort of being more conscious of. My friend works for a company called Package Free Shop and their products are so cool, but also great for the environment.”
Favorite apps you use on the reg? “Instagram, until I get a notification about what my weekly screen time is — truly alarming.”
Favorite place in the world to visit/travel to? “I always love going back to Florida after being away for a while. It’s so nostalgic for me and just makes me feel happy and warm.”
Any morning rituals? “I get up around 7:15 a.m. to walk and feed Sunny. She has this weird thing where I have to stand in the kitchen with her while she has her breakfast, so I’ll usually drink an Emergen-C (current bizarre obsession) and check emails/Instagram while I wait for her to finish before I head to the bedroom to get ready for the day.”
Evening rituals? “I usually come straight home, take Sunny outside, and usually put on a movie or show unless I have something going on that night. I’m trying to get myself into a habit of writing for pleasure, but sometimes after a long day the last thing I want to do is be on a computer again.”
Guilty pleasure/necessary indulgence? “An ice-cold fountain Coke, or Shake Shack every once in a while.”
Night in or night out? “It all depends. Most nights, I’d say night in with Sunny ordering Thai food, but I do like to go out at least one night a week for a drink with a friend or a movie date.”
Any cool spots in Brooklyn worth mentioning for out of towners to check out? “All of the vintage! The Break, Beacon’s Closet, Awoke Vintage, Stella Dallas, the list goes on and on. If you like ramen, go to Setagaya or Ichiran. Oh, I also really love Domino Park and want to spend more time there in the summer.”
You have a free day all to yourself. What do you do with it? “If I’m being quite honest, I’d probably chill at home and binge watch a show or go to a matinee at the movies. Having a dog has made me much more of a homebody, but I kind of like it actually.”
Tell us all about Sunny! “Sunny is my chihuahua mix that I rescued a year ago from Craigslist. She’s small, hilarious, and has her own dedicated following, @itsalwayssunnynyc. She’s been recognized on the train twice now, so she’s the real deal.”
What’s on the horizon for you? “I’m traveling a lot for work coming up — Miami, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. I’ll also be going to Bonnaroo with my mom and step-dad, which has become a bit of a tradition, so if you’re there, let’s hang!”