For Chelsea Hunter Harrison, the 30-something Georgia native who once wanted to be a nutritionist, food (especially that of the nutrient-dense, whole variety) plays an important role in her and her family’s life. As someone who zeroed in on keeping only the healthiest options in her home in the past, Chelsea has now adopted a mentality of balance and believes that food is so much more than what’s on your plate. It’s about the community it can foster, the consideration it can force you to take on when thinking about wellness culture as a whole. Today, Chelsea pivots from life “off duty” and her passion for skincare to turn your attention toward what’s behind her refrigerator doors. Not only is this one beautiful to look at, it’s packed to the brim with all the things we’d want to eat ourselves. Pardon us as we go clean out our fridges!
What is your philosophy on food? “I could talk food philosophy all day. Ultimately, my philosophy on food is: eat what you want when you want. I think your body is incredibly intelligent and if you’re tuned in, it will give you cues about what you need. I used to want to be a nutritionist, but the more I talked to people about their issues with food, the more I believed that people really needed therapy to lose the baggage they have around food and their bodies. I used to be hyper concerned with having the most healthy foods in my home and realized that wasn’t really serving me. I think it’s okay to eat processed foods sometimes, and it’s okay to eat when you’re not hungry sometimes. Unless you have a medical condition, I don’t believe in ‘bad’ foods or feeling guilty about eating something. Food should be more than fuel, it’s about community and joy and comfort and creating memories. I also felt the need to step back and examine how I’ve contributed to wellness culture on my blog. I think so much of it focuses on the people who already have the most access to health and wellness. As a middle class white lady living in a metro area I have access to so much. I ask myself with everything I contribute — Who is this for? Who is this ignoring? Who might this inadvertently be harming?”
What do you always keep on hand? “Chickpeas! They don’t require refrigeration and can be the base for so many meals. I pack them for lunch almost every single day.”

Give us a breakdown of your fridge. What’s on the top shelf? “My sourdough starter, a jar of dates, radishes, yogurt, and a jar of fruit that my son suckered my husband into buying, but probably will barely eat.”
Middle Shelf? “I have two middle shelves. One has eggs, a jar of chickpeas, half a zucchini, garlic confit, and pickled peppers. The next has bowls with produce including lots of lemons because I drink lemon water all day and like lemony meals. Also, a plate of strawberries.”
Bottom shelf? “Organic whole milk, a jar of carrots, butter, ricotta cheese, sparkling water, and a plant-based Omega 3 supplement I should take, but rarely do.”
Drawers & doors? “The drawers have cheeses, tofu, pre-made jackfruit barbecue, some cookie dough, tortillas, and my monthly migraine prevention injections. The door has a million sauces and seasonings, pickled veggies, jams, and syrup.”
Pantry staples? “Canned chickpeas, pasta, rice, canned artichoke hearts, nuts, and canned tomatoes. I don’t keep a lot of food on hand because I feel like that always leads me to wasting food. Plus, I’m good at making a meal out of what seems like slim pickings.”
Where do you grocery shop? “I shop everywhere. I go to the regular grocery stores — Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, the farmer’s market, and local bakeries.”
Favorite meal of the day? “It’s usually dinner, but while I’m in school, I’ve been loving lunch. I get to pack myself something to look forward to, and I eat outside and read for a long stretch without interruption. It’s glorious.”
Go-to snack? “Rosemary Marcona almonds or a cinnamon rice cake with nut butter. Also, good bread with good butter.”
Recipe on rotation? “Frozen pizza. Kidding! Pizza is very much on rotation, but I’m guessing you want a recipe. Lately, I’ve been roasting eggplant whole and then cutting it down the middle and topping it with romesco or muhamarra sauce. It’s so good, and if I make the romesco ahead or get the muhamarra at the farmers market (if you see Aleppo Kitchen at the market in Atlanta get some!) it’s a really hands-off meal. Just roast the eggplant and it’s done!”