Your Monthly Prescription For Deep Connection & Transformation: November 2019

As we begin to wind down from the All Hallow’s Eve celebrations and make an entrance into an even spookier time — Scorpio season — the entire zodiac is being called towards intense reflection and radical growth, especially during the impending Mercury Retrograde. To see just how your specific sign should direct this powerful karmic energy, Bleu’s resident astrologer, Megan Podwysocki has provided an in-depth explanation on just how each of you should navigate this season of intensity. Read November’s general overview before diving into your sign specific reading, below.

November Overview

Buckle up, ladies and gents, Scorpio season is finally here and things are about to get spooky. In November, every hour is witching hour as Pluto and Mars-ruled mysterious Scorpio takes over and casts a powerful spell on the cosmos. As the great alchemist and shapeshifter of the zodiac and the gatekeeper of the subconscious and all that is hidden, taboo, and supernatural, Scorpio energy empowers us to embrace our shadow self and everything that was once repressed, so that we may heal our past and truly step into our power. The scorpion that sheds its skin, like the phoenix that rises from its own ashes, reminds us that there is beauty in the natural cycle of life and that every ending is also a new beginning. Notorious for its sexual stamina and its intensity, Scorpio energy, perhaps over anything else, masters intimacy. As such, it will invite us to go deeper with ourselves as much as with others over the next month. This fixed water sign values reciprocity above all, and asks us to ponder not so much on the love we’d like to receive, but rather the love we’d like to give.

To spice things up even more and because there is no such thing as coincidences, dear old Mercury is going retrograde in Scorpio on Halloween and until November 20, making sure that we take this month’s cosmic lessons very seriously. A Scorpio’s innate emotional strength and unmatched intuition allows them to hold a tight grip on the truth without ever backing away from a necessary fight. This month, Mercury’s retrograde journey will ensure that we don’t shy away from the hard conversations, while Scorpios emotional rulership will make sure that we ask for what we really want, while speaking our truth with integrity and empathy. On November 12, the Full Moon in Taurus will invite us to reconnect to our physical world and sensual body, bringing about a much-welcomed surge of grounding energy in the midst of Scorpio’s deep and tumultuous waters. However, far from offering us a chance to vacate from all the inner work this season will be pushing us to do, this Full Moon will hold one of the most powerful polarity in the zodiac, that between Taurus and Scorpio — attachment and desire, light and darkness, and immense power — will be available at this time. Under the benevolent and comforting presence of Taurus energy, combined with Scorpio’s power, it will be a beautiful night to prevail over whatever inner demons have come out to trouble us and to physically and spiritually detach ourselves from what no longer serves us. And, because it’s always darkest before dawn, bright and optimistic Sagittarius will be taking over on November 22, celebrating a season of expansion with the New Moon of November 26 and leaving behind a phase of deep inner transformation, loss, and grief to finally step confidently into the next phase of the year.

November, then, will be a challenging but rewarding time of inner and outer transformation. As the year is slowly but surely coming to an end, Scorpio season allows us to put things into perspective and forces us to put our emotional house in order, so that we may finally pay attention to what really matters. A warrior at heart, Scorpio empowers us to look at the darkest part of ourselves in the eye and to fearlessly contemplate our own mortality. What are you willing to fight for? Be brave this month. There is no point in trying to fight the current when Scorpio is in charge, so take a deep breath and allow that tidal wave of emotions and transformative energy to wash over you. Uncover everything that needs to be uncovered and leave no stone unturned when exploring the depths of your subconscious mind and wounded heart. And, when the time comes for you to bid your goodbyes to your past and to let die what simply must die, embrace the beauty of unrestrained vulnerability and let it all go. Let it all burn. And, remember that what is truly meant for you will never, ever miss you.


It’s time to get in touch with your inner world, dearest Aries. You tend to move fast — faster than most — lighting the way to a better brighter future and allowing the rest of humanity to follow. But, this often means that you don’t take the time to feel your feelings and because you, too, are human, they do end up catching up with you. The Universe wants you to sit still this month and face your own darkness. Embrace it without judgement and allow yourself to make peace with what scares you, so that it may never come and haunt you again.


Your sensuality knows no bound, sweet Taurus. You relish in that body and those senses that feel safe to you and allow you to explore the world tangibly and tenderly. For this very reason, this month will be challenging, as you will be led on a journey inward rather than outward to come to terms with what intimacy means to you. You were never meant to fly through relationships casually anyway, and it’s time for you to stop skimming the surface and forge meaningful and honest relationships. Banish the fear that speaking your truth and showing pieces of your soul will scare away those you love and dare to reveal yourself in ways you haven’t done before.


You are a soul of many talents, Gemini, and there aren’t enough hours in the day for you to pursue all that you dream of. This month, it’s time for you to shift your enthusiastic focus on yourself, for once. Have you been pushing yourself too far? Are you paying enough attention to the clues your beautiful but mortal body keeps giving you? In November, take all the time you need to find a routine that accommodates both your dreams and your body and trust that the best investment of your time will always, always be to invest in your health.


How is your heart, sweet Cancer? You keep asking others, but how about asking yourself this month? This year has brought a lot of changes into your life, for better or worse, and it’s time for you to come to terms with whom you have become, and who you are choosing to allow into your life. Give yourself the time and space that you need to mend the parts of yourself that broke in the process of change. Allow yourself to take a side trip into your past, so that you may feel what needs to be felt and heal what needs to be healed. More than anything, trust that whatever path you find yourself on is of your own choosing and that there is nothing truly broken about you.


Feelings don’t scare you, brave Leo, and though only a select few get to run alongside you, when you love, you love deeply, passionately, and fearlessly. This month, the universe wants you to give yourself the gift of unconditional love, the one you so naturally extend to others. Talk to yourself the way you talk to your friends, nurture the parts of you that scare you — the ones that perhaps shamed you once or that you can quite understand yet — the way you naturally nurture those you love the most. It’s time for you to make an emotional home for yourself, by yourself, and to realize that you are whole and worthy all on your own.


You have high standards, dearest Virgo, and though some might tire in the face of your critical manner born out of a dedication to perfection and your deep desire to serve and to truly make a difference, you are always hardest on yourself. This month, it’s time for you to pay attention to that quiet but constant voice in your head that keeps on judging all that you do. Make peace with your inner critic, whose only aim is to keep you safe, but whose language should always be one of love and compassion.


No one knows how to embrace the dualities that makes us human more than you do, gentle Libra. A true heir of your ruling planet Venus, you understand that without darkness, we could never see the stars and for this reason your relationships flourish and grow not despite the challenges you meet along the way, but because of them. This month, it’s time for you to embrace all of your Venusian heritage and apply what you innately know about partnerships and romance to your own individual growth. What values do you cherish most? Which ones have you been neglecting? Uncover the blocks that are holding you back, so that you may finally welcome abundance in all things, romantic and otherwise.


Rise and shine, dearest Scorpio, it’s finally your birthday! You’ve been aching for so long in a world that praises strength over vulnerability, values composure in all things, and shames all that is deemed dark and improper. You, however, have always known better. You know that there is power in surrender and danger in denial, as whatever lays deep down at the bottom of the ocean will resurface one day soon. Now that the leaves are falling and that there is nowhere left to hide, everyone around you is coming to terms with their own darkness and you are to be their guiding hand. Show them how liberating it is to be your innermost self, unapologetically. Show them how easy it is, to begin again, once you let go of everything that no longer serves you. Set them, and yourself, free.


Fasten your seatbelt, dear Sagittarius, you are about to go on a wild ride down the path of your subconscious mind. This month, the universe has a few karmic lessons in store for you as you will be forced to face your own limitations and unconscious patterns, so that you may grow out of them at long last. As your Solar Return approaches and you will soon lead the zodiac to a season of blessings and expansion, it is your sacred duty to put your spiritual, emotional, and physical house in order first. With Jupiter, your ruling planet, transiting in your sign, the world truly is your oyster, but it’s up to you to make the most of it.


You are a quiet idealist, dearest Capricorn, one that works tirelessly in the background, unseen, and that some tend to underestimate by mistaking your reserved nature and focused gaze for passivity, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. As a Cardinal sign, you are ten steps ahead of the curve, one of the chosen few who can — and will — someday leave this world a better place than you found it. But, even you have to face self-doubt every now and then, no matter how steady your will and profound your dedication. This month, it’s time for you to dream bigger dreams and to share whatever vision you have for the future with those who believe such a world can be built. You are the strongest shoulders humanity could ever dream to rely upon, but remember that you were never meant to do it all alone.


There is much for you to do in this lifetime, bright Aquarius, but this month the universe wants you to remember to take it one step at a time. Channel Scorpio’s laser-sharp focus to stay on task and pursue whatever calling feels most authentic to you. Find the courage to turn opportunities — and people — down whenever your intuition tells you they do not align. It’s time for you to let go of whatever and whomever is preventing you from fulfilling your potential.


You are no stranger to the depths the subconscious mind, gentle Pisces. Like your water siblings, you are always eager to delve into your feelings and to dream your way to a better reality. This month, however, the cosmos wants you to get out of your own head. It’s time for you to explore the real world and to learn something, anything, new. You have much emotional wealth to offer, but your gifts are wasted on your own secluded, limiting fantasies. Start anywhere, take a step towards the universe, so that it may take a step towards you in return.

Written by: Megan Podwysocki

Megan Podwysocki is a 20-something contributing writer at Bleu, living in Switzerland. She likes to play with makeup, studies astrology, and brews her own kombucha.

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