Your Monthly Prescription For Self-Discipline & Goal Setting: September 2019

It’s finally September! Which means the first day of autumn is just around the corner. Is it just us, or does it feel like fall took eons to arrive? Either way, praise be. Not only do we have layered knits, hot coffee, and reaching into the void that is the back of our closets for last season’s favorite pair of boots (plus purchasing a new pair or three) to look forward to, we’ve also been prescribed a fresh batch of astrological remedies from our own star enthusiast, Megan Podwysocki to take note. But, brace yourself friends! This autumn promises all sorts of twists and turns for the entire zodiac. We’ll quit rambling and let you dive into your personal reading, below.


Welcome to Virgo season! As summer is rapidly coming to a close, the Sun in conscientious, detail-oriented, and truth-seeking Virgo is bringing some order back into the beautiful but chaotic mess the past couple of months have left behind. Leo season has inspired us to step into our power and to set the world ablaze, relishing in everything that makes us who we truly are. Virgo season is here to help us make our vision a reality. This month, it is finally time to harvest the fruits of all the hard work the universe has put us through with the Eclipses, Mercury Retrograde, and an overall emotional summer. Far from turning a blind eye to those feelings we’ve grown accustomed to, we must take them with us and take a long, hard look at what we have become.

To assist us during this time of reflection and pause, the next couple of weeks will be all about that grounding earth energy, with Mercury, Venus, and Mars moving through Virgo, Saturn, and Pluto transiting in Capricorn and Uranus moving through Taurus. Leaving a light-hearted, fiery Leo season behind, in September, the universe is bringing us back to reality and putting us to work. Thankfully, Virgo is one of the most hard-working signs of the zodiac as well as an organization genius, and he is here to lead the way. So, if you’ve felt an urge to declutter your closet, reset your whole schedule, or deep clean your car, you’ve not gone mad; Virgo energy has come knocking and it’s time to let her in. Whatever tasks you’ve been putting off, whatever deadline you’ve been dreading, but not acting upon, know that there will be no escaping your responsibilities now. Do what Virgos do best: think, plan ahead, and get productive.

Last month, the cosmos wanted us to empower ourselves, but this month it wants us to improve in whichever way we can. Virgo energy brings our attention to every little detail that makes up our life, not to make us obsessive, but to help us make the best of it. What isn’t working with your daily routine right now? What tools can you put in place to make your job easier? Virgo’s mutability will help us be more flexible and patient while we follow nature’s lead and prepare to transition into fall. This also means that we will naturally be inclined to let go of what is no longer serving us, therefore making room for change and for whatever it is we have been trying to call into our lives. As human beings, we tend to hold on to what is familiar and to remain within the boundaries of our comfort zone, no matter how much we might have outgrown them. This month, the cosmos are reminding us that though there is fear in the unknown, there’s also endless potential.

Virgo energy stands for purity of purpose, and it wants us to tap into our most unique gifts, to uncover our inner worth, and to empower us to use them so that we may make the world a better place, one to-do list at a time. Virgo is also extremely health-conscious and encourages us to celebrate our body and to give it the attention and nourishment it needs to thrive. The Full Moon in Pisces on September 14 will urge us to use the map Virgo season has given us to effectively navigate through our emotional realm and sort out our feelings. Diplomatic Libra will take over right on the autumnal equinox on September 23, showing us how to find balance as the world deep dives into the long night of the winter months. But for now, in good Virgo fashion, let’s get to work shall we?


To say that you have a lot of energy would be an understatement, dear Aries. Your drive, joyful spirit, and razor-sharp instincts are constantly pushing you to do more, see more, be more. Because you are an innovator, taking leaps of faith and starting new projects comes easily to you, but sometimes too much so. This month, rather than to scatter your energy in dozens of places all at once, try to focus and give your undivided attention to the one project that truly sets your soul on fire. Practice consistency by revamping your daily routine and sticking to it, and watch as your power expands more steadily than ever before.


Like your earthy siblings Virgo and Capricorn, you are no stranger to hard work, Taurus. Your insatiable need for security and stability paired with your work ethic often urge you to bury yourself into your work tirelessly. This month, try to take a step back and admire everything you have already accomplished. Take a breather and celebrate your victories without allowing fear and guilt to sneak in and spoil some much-deserved fun. Sometimes the most productive thing to do is rest.


You will feel right at home during this Mercury-ruled season, Gemini. Like your planetary sibling Virgo, you thrive when you get a chance to put your intellect, curious mind, and analytical powers to good use. Above all else, you are a born communicator capable of expressing yourself more clearly and uniquely than any other sign and as it so happens, you always have a lot to say. This month, ask yourself what the message you truly feel called to share with the world might be. Use your ability to always see the two sides of a story to bring some clarity and authenticity into a world that needs it — now more than ever.


You are the nurturer of the zodiac, sweet Cancer, and as such you lead with your heart. You’re the one who takes care of everyone around you, even when that means putting yourself last. You are so in tune with your emotions and those of others that when life gets busy, you can lose yourself in a sea of feelings and needs that aren’t necessarily your own. This may cause you to be unable to focus on the tasks at hand. This month, use the grounding power of the earth coming at us to reconnect with your physical body and pay attention to the clues it is giving you. Anchor yourself in your reality and channel Virgo’s objective lens to reevaluate your priorities and follow your body’s guidance. How about putting yourself first, for once?


It’s time for you to put the champagne down and head back to work, dear Leo. Last month’s celebrations allowed you to let your passions run wild and your creative flow to return in full force. Use that momentum of abundance to let whatever bright idea came to you catch fire and harvest the power currently available to you to make it a reality. As you do so, remember that teamwork makes the dream work and that the people who have stood by you through it all are here to help you, and that it is safe for you to lean on them every once in a while. Now is the time to build bridges, not to burn them.


Happy birthday, dearest Virgo! Of all the zodiac signs, you aim to serve the most, especially if that means working quietly in the background without ever expecting anything in return. There is no doubt that you will thrive this month, as the universe is fully backing you up with a powerful blast of earthy energy and everyone around you is finally heading back to work, just as you like it. Your most important mission in the coming weeks, however, won’t be for the benefit of others, but for your own. You are human, too, beneath your laser-focused mind and flawlessly methodical ways, and no one is expecting you to do it all on your own. Honor your limits, recognize that you cannot give more than you have, and learn to ask for help. Let everyone else do the work for a change.


No one understands the power of teamwork better than you do, gentle Libra. Your trusting nature and your sense of loyalty, however, can prevent you from letting go of those who take more than they can give. Because you seek balance above all, you tend to compromise rather than to sacrifice a connection, even if you know in your heart of hearts that it no longer rings true. This month, allow yourself to reconnect with your inner magic. Remember that you were a gifted individual all on your own before you were a partner, a friend, a lover. Learn to identify the blocks and the relationships that are preventing you from reaching your highest potential. You are an air sign, after all, and were never meant to be held down by anyone or anything. Now is as good a time as ever to spread your wings.


You are a deeply intuitive being, Scorpio, which can give you a false sense of security whenever you dive headfirst into a new exciting project and things don’t turn out the way you expected. This month, take a cue from the universe and make peace with the fact that you, too, need to learn how to walk before you can run. Be very clear about your intentions and release them into the world fearlessly. No matter how tempted you may be to control everything and everyone around you, surrender to the timing of the universe and trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Let your experiences unfold with an open heart and an equally open mind. Control is overrated.


You are a born explorer, Sagittarius. As Jupiter’s favorite child, you are a natural expander who believes in her luck and is rarely, if ever, proven wrong. The many adventures you constantly embark on keep feeding your already wide-ranging repertoire of interests, which means you are never short of a bright new idea. Though you are dedicated to making a difference in the world, your constant need for change often translates into a lack of staying power. Deep down, you are an idealist who sees only silver linings and simply refuse to turn your back on the many possibilities that life has to offer. But, even you are bound to face your own limits. Own them, learn to know what you do not know and surround yourself with those who will join you on your journey and help you bring your visions to life, while safeguarding your free-spirited nature.


With Saturn, your ruling planet, making waves in your sign this month, brace yourself for some challenging but immensely rewarding times, brave Capricorn. Now is absolutely not the time to lower your standards and settle for less, no matter how much you feel pressured to be the responsible adult in the room. Be honest with yourself and aim to set some long-term goals, professionally or otherwise. You know exactly what you want — you’ve probably known for a while — so allow those rocky cosmic transits to reignite your ambition so that you may finally embark on the next big chapter of your life. Go get them, tiger.


Like Virgo, you always act for the greater good and will work tirelessly for the things that truly matter to you, Aquarius. There is a reason why people call you Water Bearer though you are an air sign, as you seek knowledge and aim to share your wisdom with the rest of humanity as best as you can. You spend so much time in high spiritual and intellectual realms, confined in your bright but complicated mind, that you can forget that you have a physical body, too. The higher you fly, the harder you will need to work on rooting yourself into your reality. Try not to let your sense of identity become inextricably linked to your ideas, for you would lose yourself, and that isn’t a price those who love you are willing to pay. And, neither should you.


You’re a dreamer, sweet Pisces, and that’s one of your most precious gifts. This month however, it will be time for you to anchor yourself in the real world and face whatever it is you’ve been avoiding. Dare to ask yourself the hard questions and take some practical steps to make your life work for you, not the other way around. Your creativity combined with your deep sense of empathy makes you naturally inclined to be of service and helping those around you will always make you the happiest. Have faith in yourself and know that you are entitled to have exactly the life you’ve been dreaming about.

Written by: Megan Podwysocki

Megan Podwysocki is a 20-something contributing writer at Bleu, living in Switzerland. She likes to play with makeup, studies astrology, and brews her own kombucha.

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