Your Monthly Prescription For Self-Empowerment: August 2019

Our resident star aficionado, Megan Podwysocki, is back with this month’s Rx of astrological mantras. Consider them your very own Cliff notes on navigating the curveballs during the month ahead with agility and grace. It looks as though we may be in for an August filled with fiery passion and some much-needed self-confidence. Read on to discover what Leo season has in store for the zodiac as a collective, and for your individual sign.


We made it! Keeping our heads above water during this crazy whirlwind of Eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde was no small feat. Last night’s New Moon in Leo (and Black Moon, on this side of the world, since it was the second New Moon of the month) acted as an intense cosmic release, setting us free from whatever was still holding us back and preventing us from fulfilling our potential. Nurturing, but emotional Cancer season has finally come to a close and fiery Leo energy has fully taken over, lovingly but boldly shaking things up and dragging us out of our emotional cocoon into the spotlight for a much-awaited time of celebration and expansion. Far from disregarding all the valuable lessons we learned in July, this month is about harnessing this newfound emotional clarity to make our vision a reality. With Mercury, Venus, and Mars moving into Leo for most of the month, the next couple of weeks will be heated, to say the least. Lucky for us, no one knows how to walk through fire like a Leo. Leo energy, like the Sun, is all about the self, which makes it the perfect opportunity to get very clear about who we are, regardless of who others want us to be, and what we want. While Mars will urge us to use our gifts to pursue whatever goal arises, Venus will remind us that no power is greater than the one we get to share.

The Full Moon in humanitarian Aquarius on August 15 will bring a fresh perspective on whatever was set in motion during the New Moon, momentarily taking the focus away from the self and asking us to ponder how our actions are impacting others. Like its zodiac predecessor, sweet Cancer, Leo energy wants us to channel our inner child. But, while Cancer season reminded us to be gentle, Leo season is asking us to be brave. To believe, once more, that there is magic in the world. To trust that the voice of the heart is never wrong and that it is safe to be ourselves unapologetically. This month, it’s time to let that fearless, joyful child come out to play. Leo’s boundless creative gifts and innate self-confidence will provide us with the push we need to finally use our voice to be the change we want to see in the world, while methodical Virgo will join forces on August 23 and allow heart and mind to meet as equals, at long last.


You’ve been holding back reluctantly, dearest Aries, but the challenging inner work you did the past few months will allow you to be the very best version of yourself yet. Gone are the days of bypassing your feelings and underestimating your need for rest and connection — you know better now. This month, you are back in familiar territory, ready to embrace all the fire coming your way. Allow your unstoppable ambition to carry you and step into your power, so that others may follow. You were born to lead after all.


You like to take things slow, gentle Taurus, and although your patience and consistency are a gift to be cherished, they can sometimes trick you into being too comfortable with the way things are. Allow this month’s cosmic blaze to reignite your many passions and to inspire you to take a brave step forward. Trust what’s inside your heart and dare to reach for the stars — you deserve nothing less.


You are about to have so much fun, Gemini! In August, you will be the life of a month-long party. Give yourself permission to bask in this month’s collective enthusiasm, as people will naturally seek connection and you, like the social butterfly that you are, will thrive in the midst of it all. Take this opportunity to fully recharge your batteries and get ready. As a new cycle begins and the world is rapidly evolving, you are the born communicator the universe will need to spread the word that change is the only way forward.


There’s no time like the present, sweet Cancer, no matter how much your feel called to the past. It’s time to get out of your own head and to reconnect with the world whose many energies you so easily perceive. Try something new, spend some time with those you love, and allow yourself to create new memories, so that you can leave the past ones to rest once and for all.


Happy Solar Return, Leo! It’s time to put your birthday suit on and throw yourself one hell of a party. Everyone will be looking up to you — the zodiac’s very own light-bearer — to lead the way to a better, brighter reality. When this month’s cosmic frenzy gets too much and your ego comes knocking, distracting you from fully tapping into your power, remember to roar with intention and to listen to your heart. The only validation you need is your own.


This month is about you, too, dear Virgo. You might not enjoy being under the spotlight like your feline sibling, but you should take a page out of his book, so that he too might take one of yours. Be proud of all the hard work you are constantly doing. Be proud of everything you have already achieved, but haven’t ever dared take credit for. Most importantly, be proud of everything that you are, especially what sets you apart from the crowd. You matter more than you know.


This month, the harmony you crave will be difficult to find yet again, Libra, as everyone around you will be compelled to act on their passions. But then, as one of Venus’ favorite children, you are quite the passionate being yourself. Follow the Goddess’ lead to tune into your desires and let your heart guide you fearlessly, leaving behind the regrets of the past and the doubts about the future, so that you can fall in love — with yourself or others — all over again.


Now is not the time to lullaby your way into another passionate relationship, Scorpio. The universe has other plans for you. This month, use your transformative superpowers to harness the wave of creative energy coming your way to materialize the wild project you’ve been secretly building in your head. Tap into that unwavering self-confidence of yours and inspire the rest of the zodiac to do the same.


It’s time to let the real adventure begin, Sagittarius, and to finally chase your dream. This means you will have to stand still, at least for a little while, as you allow yourself to uncover what that might mean for you. Your free-spirited, restless soul might get uncomfortable, which is exactly how you’ll know you are doing something right. Hang in there; your journey is only beginning.


As discipline is your secret weapon, you always know what needs to be done and do it regardless of the setbacks you might encounter, Capricorn. Because you are comfortable with your power and deeply grounded, you are the unbreakable pillar in your loved ones’ life, the one they run to when things get hard. But, who do you call in the middle of the night? This month, let the fire in. Let it consume some of those foundations you think you need, but only keep others at bay, so that the ones who matters can reach out to you. You, too, deserves some help now and then.


You like to make your own rules and take the unbeaten path, clever Aquarius, not out of ego, but because you can’t help being ten steps ahead of the game. And as a result, your vision simply doesn’t align with the current reality of the world. This month, take a leap of faith and try taking another path for a change. It might set you back temporarily, but it will allow you to meet your loved ones halfway, who in turn will help you reach your highest potential.


This month, you are going to embark on a journey to self-love and self-acceptance, tender Pisces. Though you have many creative gifts, they are often pushed back deep into the water, never allowed to make it to the surface. You are so used to tuning into other people’s feelings that you forget to listen to your own, but now is your chance to face them head-on. Welcome them — and everything they say about you — with open arms and remember: there is power in vulnerability.

Written by: Megan Podwysocki

Megan Podwysocki is a 20-something contributing writer at Bleu, living in Switzerland. She likes to play with makeup, studies astrology, and brews her own kombucha.

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