Skin Milk: Tylynn Nguyen’s Beauty Regimen

TyLynn Nguyen‘s approach to beauty is what we like to refer to as “unfussy luxurious”. While her bathroom shelves are stockpiled with an abundance of high-end salves, serums, powders, and creams, her routine actually leans towards the more minimal side, especially when it comes to makeup — a must when running a business and juggling family. It’s usually a get-in, get-ready, and get-out as fast as you possibly can situation come morning, which most of us know all too well, whether we have kids or not. One thing is for sure, TyLynn has figured it out when it comes to executing a simple, yet effective routine. We’re taking notes!

Tell us a bit about your morning routine:  “I wash my face with Chanel La Mousse and add an oil. Today’s was Circumference.”

Tell us a bit about your skincare routine:  “I use a variety of products. Usually in this order — cleanser, scrub, mask, toner, moisturizer, oil. Just depending on the day, I may use less.”

Shop TyLynn's Skincare

TyLynn's makeup arsenal.
TyLynn's makeup arsenal.

Tell us a bit about your makeup routine:  “Quick and easy. Concealer under the eyes and around my mouth, blush on my cheeks, eyebrow pencil, eyelash curler, mascara, and a lip (balm, red, or nude).”

Shop TyLynn's Makeup

Tell us a bit about your haircare:  “I wash my hair every time I put it in a bun. I use hair oil and wax with light hairspray. When I sleep I wear my hair in a braid.”

Tell us a bit about your body/beauty from the inside/wellness:  “Finding good and healthy food in America is hard, but the right foods produce a beautiful exterior. I eat lots of vegetables, fruit (my vice), and drink water. I indulge in coffee.”

Tell us a bit about your nightly skincare/wellness routine:  “Same as skincare routine above.”

Shop TyLynn's Hair & Body Care

Biggest beauty secret/advice?  “Don’t touch your face during the day and wash off all of your makeup at night.”

See? We told you it was simple.

Written by: The Editors

Bleu's team of seasoned writers and editors at your service.

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