Hi, My Name is Sarah and I Adore My Gray Hairs

I know. Weird, right? Or maybe not, as it seems there’s definitely a movement — a silver hair movement of sorts — in which women are embracing their natural, unpigmented hair. A quick hashtag search (#silversisters, #silverhair, and #grayhairdontcare, to name a few) on Instagram shows millions of photos of women, young and old, digging their gray.

I am here to tell you that I’m 100% here for it. I practically cyberstalk women such as Sarah Harris to ogle over that silver mane while manifesting a quicker silver transition for myself (I’m only about 15% at this point).

Why is this? What sparked this movement? As women, we’ve been bombarded with messaging that gray hair equates to “letting yourself go” for decades, hell…eras. And now, some of the most stylish and creative women are simply not having it. This act is less about trends and more about embracing what is a natural occurrence in all women — the loss of pigment in the hair while concomitantly celebrating self-expression.

For me? Gray hair or not, I have no intentions of “letting myself go” any time in the near future. I love that gray is different and a bit unexpected at my age. At 44, I have a fairly youthful face, and I love the tension the addition of a little gray peppered throughout my bangs creates for my overall look. Being a super dark brunette, I’ve always envied highlights of lighter-haired women, and now I feel like I’m finally experiencing my own. However, the very best part of rocking the grays are the comments I’ve received from women. I love when I’m chatting with a woman and she remarks that she loves my grays. Good stuff.

Now, what about the women who hide their grays? Those who don’t want to deal with wiry gray hairs or like the way they look? Should they buck up and go au naturale? HELL NO. This isn’t about picking a side. It’s about doing what makes you feel beautiful. I always go back to this quote in Mind Body Green a few months back by Dr. Sarah Villafranco: “Aging naturally, without so many interventions, should be treated as an equal and respectable option rather than being seen as a person who has ‘let herself go.'” If you are someone who chooses Botox and cosmetic surgery, do it because it’s what makes you feel like your true self, and don’t look down on people who choose otherwise. If you are an earth mama with gray streaks and smile lines, don’t condemn those who prefer more invasive methods. Consider your role in how people see and talk about themselves, and think about how to engage in more positive conversations about beauty and aging.” #praisebe

All in all, I’m incredibly hopeful for the direction women are heading in regards to aging on their own terms, hair color or not. It’s encouraging and deserving of synchronized hair flips all around.

Written by: Sarah James

Sarah James is the creator of Whoorl.com, a natural beauty buff with a love for unfussy style, and is a 40-something Contributing Editor at The Bleu.


  1. jesse

    April 1, 2019 at 11:32 am

    good read! thanks!

  2. Louisa

    April 1, 2019 at 2:48 pm

    I’m here for it, too! My grays are coming in since I entered my 30s but my hair is so fine, you can barely see them! I’m not afraid to be gray though, I think what’s natural is beautiful! My mom is finally really going gray and I encourage her daily to just go with it and she is, but so many of her friends give her sh*t for it and I think it’s so silly! Embrace it y’all 🙌🏼

  3. RITA

    April 1, 2019 at 3:10 pm

    I’m a 22 years-old young woman with grey hair. Still figuring out how to deal with them… I want to accept them but given my age, honestly, it is difficult.

  4. Nina

    April 4, 2019 at 2:44 pm

    Yaaaaas! I just turned 45, and havent colored my hair in 10 years (natural color is a medium brown). I am about 15% gray too – mostly at the temples. And I love it! I hope to see more women embracing their silver and white strands – they are glitter, power, and earned! And no one expects men to color their hair, why should women feel like we have to?

  5. Lisa Hodgson

    April 5, 2019 at 12:40 pm

    I have not coloured my hair for 10 years – I am 47 and have grey at the temples and now through the top of my head. I just wish it would hurry up and all go grey!

  6. Sandy

    April 5, 2019 at 5:49 pm

    I’m going to be 60 and I am not ready to go grey. I will occasionally see women with beautiful grey hair but it truly makes them look older. My sister is several years younger than me and had chosen to go grey and she suddenly looks much older than me. I know we all have a choice and going grey is not one I’m ready to make any time soon.

  7. Ramona

    April 14, 2019 at 7:32 pm

    Nearing 60. I have never colored my hair. Just my personal choice. My hair is salt/pepper. White, not gray. I get compliments all the time from people I know and people I don’t know. The way I figure, some women (including my daughter) don’t live long enough to even get gray hair, so just embrace it.

  8. Jhoei

    September 21, 2019 at 9:30 am

    My gray hair appeared when I reached my 40th year but it doesn’t bother me at all. I guess we will all go to that direction no matter how much we wanted to avoid it.


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